Have you experienced betrayal, loss, humiliation, abandonment, or rejection?

Do you feel that what happened to you wasn’t fair?

🌟 It's possible to heal, move forward, , and live life authentically! 🌻


Imagine a life where you're not defined by past trauma, but empowered to live authentically

on your own terms!

As women, it's easy to lose our sense of self when all our time and energy is focused on others.

Do you experience any of these feelings?

  • you're unsure of who you are anymore

  • you're traumatized by a life event

  • you lack direction & purpose

  • you lack confidence and doubt yourself

  • you feel emotionally broken or depleted

  • you're unable to say no and set boundaries

  • you're consumed with feelings of shame or guilt

  • you put yourself last constantly

  • you feel unappreciated and invisible

  • you're caught in a loop of self-sabotage

  • you yearn to be your authentic self


You can enjoy a future where you're transformed into a strong, resilient, authentic individual? It's absolutely possible, because I've done it myself.

Let's be honest, change is scary because there are so many unknowns - the only change we have control over, is change from within. YES, we choose what we believe about ourselves, and the world around us.

When we're afraid to take a leap of faith, it keeps us running on the little hamster wheel - going nowhere and experiencing mounting frustration.

This is why "Write From The Heart" is different to other journals. It is a handbook that guides you step-by-step toward wholeness and authenticity, providing you with knowledge that will empower you to overcome past trauma and reclaim the true YOU.

This is your opportunity to understand yourself, express your deepest emotions, and turn your pain points into purpose.

I believe that you are worth it.

The big question is, DO YOU?

Topics Covered In The Book

THE impact of trauma

  • Understand the impact of trauma on your mental and physical wellbeing.

  • Learn how to rewire and transform negative thought patterns into empowering ones.

  • Turn your pain into purpose.

writing techniques

  • Discover the benefits of writing.

  • Explore numerous writing techniques and unleash creativity.

  • Abundant journal writing exercises and prompts designed to be simple and effective.

healing from trauma

  • A peek into Caroline's journey - the steps she took to attain healing from trauma, & how she sequenced them to prevent overwhelm.

  • Discover how to embrace your true, authentic self and leave the pain behind.

  • Guided exercises and practices to build confidence, creativity and resilience in order to THRIVE.


A 207 page Ebook that includes:

🌈 Strategies to understand & overcome trauma in order to heal and gain a fresh perspective on life.

🌟 Steps to conquer self-doubt, build self-love & confidence to emerge as a resilient and empowered woman.

📝 Thought-provoking journal prompts that inspire you to delve deeper into your thoughts and emotions, allowing you express yourself authentically.

📚 Techniques to learn the art of storytelling, creative writing, and journaling to become a more effective communicator.

🧘 Discovering mindfulness techniques to aid in emotional healing and personal growth.

🌻 Ways to embrace your authentic self, free from the weight of past experiences and self-doubt.

💪 Gaining tools and knowledge to empower yourself & become a strong, resilient, and self-assured woman.


At your fingertips

  • Read On Any Device

    Read on your phone, laptop or tablet

  • Self Print

    Available in PDF format to self print

  • In Print

    Available soon on Amazon


about the author


I never dreamed I would write a book about healing, but after trauma left me treading water, lacking confidence and identity, I knew I had two options - sink or swim. As broken as I felt, I wasn't ready to let pain define my future. In order to awaken my true self, and trust my intuition, I had to dig deep. This is when I stumbled upon writing as a tool for expressing and making sense of my wild emotions. Putting pen to paper became a creative source of healing, propelling me on a voyage of self-discovery.

As I researched the profound impact of trauma on my mental and physical well-being, I discovered the remarkable plasticity of my brain. This knowledge gave me hope and made me see that I had the power steer my ship. Implementing certain practices helped me to develop valuable skills in emotional regulation, resilience-building, and mindfulness practices. Most importantly, I discovered the path to embrace my authentic self, free from guilt and shame.

The idea for this book germinated when I realised that there must be many other women who were feeling the same way - shattered, broken and overwhelmed. Knowing that there is a way through trauma, and that it does NOT have to define your days ahead, is why I wrote this book. You too, can find your voice, your purpose, and your joy. Change begins with you, when you take one small step.


What qualifies you to teach about healing?

Although I am not a qualified psychotherapist, I am experienced in the school of life and surviving trauma. I have spent years researching trauma and its effects on the human brain and body. I have taken this information and applied it to my life to build resilience, overcome shame and guilt, and turn my pain into purpose. I am passionate about helping others who have lived through trauma by sharing what I have learned and applied with great success in my own life.

Why is this ebook more like a manual than a journal?

I didn't know where to start healing after trauma rocked my world. My emotions were shattered and it took a long time to find a path out of the pain. One of the tools I used was writing, but there was so much more that I needed to understand and learn in order to grow and heal. Understanding why we react and behave in certain ways is vital to moving forward from trauma, as it gives clarity and helps us to make sense of our pain. For this reason I have included the research that helped me, as well as parts of my own story (and of course, there's plenty of journal prompts to help you dive into your thoughts and emotions).

Can you guarantee that the information will heal me?

There are no guarantees in this life, but I do 100% endorse the strategies I used to find healing. I cannot guarantee that my sequenced steps will work for you, as we are all unique, with differing personalities, and circumstances. I do believe however, that this book will give you food for thought, some strategies to navigate your journey, and motivation to take action and believe in yourself.

What if I don't believe I will ever feel whole again?

I want you to know that you aren't alone - so many people feel that way after trauma. Your feelings are valid, you may be grieving and that's okay. The beauty of this journey is that you only need to take one small step at a time. There is no pressure to move faster than you are ready to. You control the pace of your path toward healing.

Why does authenticity matter?

Authenticity is the alignment between our internal values and beliefs, and our external behaviour. People are drawn to us when we make authentic life decisions that reflect our ethics, values, and personality. When we are confident and free to be our authentic selves, it builds trust with others and contributes to our holistic wellbeing, encouraging happiness, fulfillment, and high self-esteem. Authenticity matters because when we are unable to be our true selves it causes stress, tension within our relationships, and makes us feel like an imposter. True authenticity comes when we are expressing our truest emotions, when we are able to be vulnerable and honest, and we are comfortable with our choices despite other's opinions.

Why are you charging for the ebook if your goal is to help me?

Statistics show that when people invest in something, they are more likely to commit to the process than those who grab freebies. I want you to value yourself by being willing to invest in yourself. Don't put yourself last - you are worthy of having a great life in every aspect. When you invest your money in this book, you are far more likely to take action.

My second reason, is that I have spent years studying mindfulness, trauma, writing, and neuroscience. This has taken a huge chunk of my valuable time to collate all this knowledge into a book to provide you with practical strategies and writing exercises. Since I value myself and my time, I believe that my experience and knowledge are worthy of compensation. HOWEVER, I also want to make it affordable for as many women as possible. For this reason, this ebook will be available at this hugely discounted price of only $7, for a limited time only. I challenge you to try and find a therapist who will give you as much value as I do in this ebook for only $7. For the cost of a couple of coffees, you have the potential to change your life. That's value for money - what do you have to lose?

Can I get a refund if I'm not happy?

Unfortunately refunds are not available as this is a digital product. Once it arrives in your inbox, there's no going back, however, I am pretty confident that you will find value in this 255 page ebook.

Can I get this book in print?

Yes, this book is going to print. It will be available on Amazon in the first quarter of 2024.


Ask yourself how badly you want to change your life.

Only you, know the answer!

For the price of a couple of coffees, you could change your life! What do you have to lose?

Take a leap of faith!

This introductory offer is only available at this price for a limited time,

with love from me to you. Don't miss out.

Today is the day you take control of your life!

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