The Tribe has Spoken

Annette M.

I have to say I have been at a loss since 2013. I am trying to find myself and you and your group have really helped me. Thank you!

Chashe W.

Girl! I am so grateful for you and your Passport group. I never post in the group, but you have given nuggets that were right on time. Thank you for your vision.

Toni H.

A point from the Namaste My Soul Zoom Call that has stuck with me all day is: "Don't push back your personal boundaries to appease others. Give NO discounts."

I love it!!! Thank you ladies...❤🙏🏾

Teneika G.

Dashana Jefferies Thank you for the boost of confidence 🤗. I have to learn to love the parts of me I can’t change and adjust the things I can.

N'kele B.

The assignment I stressed about & pushed through, I found out I got an 95 on it & my teacher is going to use it as an exemplary example going forward. Thanks for the words of encouragement! ❤️❤️

Iris M.

Thank you for the wonderful group session today.

Samuel S.

I appreciate this so much! I'm doing great now.I feel better. I took your advice.

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