What I love to do

Hi I'm Sharna

I am an empowerment facilitator, and I show women how they can change the outcome of their lives using metaphysics and practical tools so they can overcome obstacles and live their highest potential with confidence, courage and ease.

How I got to here

I was very shy child. And I was scared of people somehow. That was just how I worked with we moved around a lot. Growing up every couple of years we were packing up and touring around to a different part of the country. And of course, that didn't help someone who was very shy, very insecure. As I look back on it now. I didn't have much confidence in my ability to handle the world. Coupled with bullying and abuse, and having to live life constantly on guard. Having to live life constantly taken away from those you have connections with, friends and family.

Growing up, even though I had older siblings, I felt like I grew up alone. And so in adulthood, that’s how I felt, alone. I wasn’t a big social person. I didn’t join groups or sports, I was too shy and had no confidence. In group situations, I always feel like other people are better than me somehow, whether they look better, they sound better, they always sounded more confident than how I feet about myself. I shy away from exploring fun and opportunities in life.

The other thing I noticed about myself was that I was almost dependent on other people and almost lived life through them. Especially men, co-dependence keep me safe, somehow, financially safe as well. Until I found myself alone for the first time with a two year old child and I just lost myself somehow. I played it tough, though, I didn't even recognize myself how hard life had hit. But I knew I was spiraling down because my use of alcohol increased exponentially. And it came to a point where I was getting worried for myself, and after years of trying to cope, it wasn't getting better, it was getting worse.

I suffered low self-esteem, lack of confidence, mental and emotional anguish and my health and fitness was pretty much non-existent because I was just coping all the time. Luckily, I am a very spiritual person and through all the years I had dedicated myself to exploring spirituality, metaphysics, energy, healing, life coaching. And I have been able to really dive deep into the healing aspects and healing the subconscious beliefs about myself. It took so long, but I was persistent, something in me knew there was an answer and I could get on top of life again and be the person I had dreamed of being.

And so in the year of 2020, when I thought it was going to be my year to finally be the person I wanted to be and have a business I’d always wanted to have, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. So, I just took it as an opportunity to prove that everything I knew about how the Universe works was right. Everything I knew about Spirit, about law of attraction, about how energy works, about how we are the creators of our lives, how Spirit lives in us and we can control our own health, wellbeing and prosperity. And I became the most empowered person I have ever been.

Not only did I kick cancer to the curb, I got through a six month journey of chemotherapy, while looking after my daughter, as a sole parent, and also looking after my elderly mother, who had her own health issues. All of this by myself, while everyone was in isolation from the COVID pandemic that was going on that year. And then a week after I had finished all my treatment, I had to deal with the loss of my father. He passed away suddenly, and I wasn’t able to be there with him. But I had such love and strength with me at that time and I was able to really sit with it and deal with it in a really powerful way.

There are a lot more layers to my story but suffice to say I am thriving. I have dealt with all my demons, I have looked them in the face. I have courageously stood up and said I am willing to look at all the shit that is holding me back because I know there is more for me. I've never been more connected to my soul, never been more strong, confident and empowered in my life. I have found a way to work in union with Spirit and I have the privilege to be led to a remarkable method of healing that is gentle and honoring yet most potent and effective. It is my turn to assist other women like me now, facilitating the finding of their own sovereign identity and leading the way for their children.

I am Sharna Bird

I am the Empoweress.


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