Break Through the invisible barriers and finally feel able to live life on your terms

From Deep Unhappiness and Dissatisfaction to True Fulfillment and Joy:

Transform your inner discontent into genuine happiness and satisfaction with life. Embrace each day with a newfound sense of purpose and joy.

From Lack of Confidence to Self-Assuredness and Empowerment:

Develop the confidence to speak up for yourself, set healthy boundaries, and pursue what you truly want. Stand tall in your self-worth and feel empowered in every aspect of your life.

From Feeling Unfulfilled to Living with Purpose and Passion:

Discover your true purpose and passion, and experience the fulfillment that comes from living a life aligned with your deepest desires and values.

From Family Tensions and Unfulfilling Relationships to Harmonious and Loving Connections:

Transform your family dynamics and relationships into sources of love, support, and harmony. Enjoy fulfilling, drama-free connections with those around you.

From Distraction and Self-Soothing to Mindful Living and Healthy Habits:

Replace unhealthy distractions like excessive busyness, drinking, eating, or shopping with mindful living and healthy habits. Cultivate a balanced, peaceful lifestyle that supports your well-being.

From Neglecting Self-Care to Prioritizing and Nurturing Yourself:

Shift from neglecting your needs to making self-care a top priority. Nurture yourself with compassion and love, ensuring that you are always at your best.

Go from surviving to THRIVING

Create a better life and step into who you always wanted to be with confidence, authority, assertiveness, strength and passion. Finally become the person you want to be.

Are you ready to change your status quo, to live life on your terms and find real substance and meaning as a unique and valuable individual? Then look no further! I am here to facilitate your holistic empowerment & self-actualization through my unique modality given to me by spirit to deliver you self-love, deep spiritual connection and unshakable confidence. Live life with clarity, meaning and virtue using metaphysics, mentorship and mind mastery.

This is for women who know there has to be more than mediocre, more than just going through the motions and drifting through life. For women who have a desire to be more, achieve more with their life than they are right now. For those who want to express their significance and uniqueness unhindered by the need for approval from others.

  • If you have experienced self-esteem issues, you feel socially awkward or you feel inferior to others.

  • If you don't speak up for yourself, voice your opinions, your needs and boundaries or desires.

  • If you have a diminished sense of authority or autonomy

I have been there too, and it fueled my low self-esteem, lack of confidence and unhealthy behaviors. But I knew there was hope and I finally came up with a fool-proof way to break through and start living life on my terms. I started realizing my own worth and uniqueness. I started feeling more confident and significant and that I was no longer 'less than other people'.

The Last Self-Improvement System You Will Ever Need

Let’s create change from the inside out

Hi, I'm Sharna - the Empoweress

I help women who want the empowerment to take control of their lives and feel fulfilled and liberated.

Change is on the horizon and with over 15 years working with clients, I have helped women of all kinds change the status quo of their lives, increasing their self-worth, confidence and their ability to take brave actions to become all they dreamed of being.

I am on a mission to facilitate the transformation of ladies wishing to have more courage and control of their lives to reclaiming their confidence, self-authority and sovereign identity by connecting and aligning them with their self-worth, being enough and significance, thus enabling them to create a world where anything is possible, and dreams come true.


Are you a woman who knows deep down,

that you are destined for more in life?

Do you feel an inner calling to break free from the limitations holding you back and step into a life of purpose, fulfillment, and abundance? You've come to the right place.

We specialize in guiding women like you on a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and personal growth. Our mission is to help you unleash your full potential, tap into your authentic power, and create a life that exceeds your wildest dreams.

We understand that you have unique gifts, passions, and dreams that are waiting to be realized. That's why our approach combines metaphysical techniques, journaling, meditation, coaching, and the powerful Vibrational Matrix Therapy to help you overcome obstacles, release subconscious blocks, and activate your inner brilliance.

Our personalized programs are designed to ignite your confidence, courage, and strength to make meaningful change. We believe that true empowerment comes from within, and we provide you with the tools, guidance, and support to navigate your journey of self-discovery and create a life on your own terms.

If you're reading this and yearning for more confidence, know that I'm here to help you transform your life. I understand the challenges of feeling unsure, unable to speak up for yourself, and struggling to
assert yourself. Through my unique and powerful services, I am dedicated to guiding you on a journey to reclaim your self-assurance and inner strength. Together, we'll unlock your true potential, empowering you to stand tall, voice your needs, and confidently pursue the life you deserve. Let’s work together to build a foundation of unwavering self-belief and empowerment.

Can't wait to work with me - Click Here


You don't know how to make lasting change?

If you're like me, you have probably tried dozens of different things to try and break free from who you are and to become who you want to be. To change the status quo.

Nothing seems to make any real impact or lasting change.

Well don't worry, I am here to help you. You see, I've been through something similar to what you're feeling, and I have found a way to help. You can read more about my story but suffice it to say that I've been through a lot in life, and I have never felt stronger, more confident and ready to step into who I really want to be!

You see faith and persistence pays off and I found a way to get myself out of my hurt, my low self-esteem, my insecurities and to really embrace my identity and my sovereignty with confidence and courage. And I have never looked back.

If you are here, then you may have been through some things in life too. Perhaps you never felt like you fit in anywhere, not even your family. Maybe you were picked on or bullied or suffered abuse of some kind or you compromised on what you put up with. You may have always felt there was more for you in life but you just couldn't find the right pathway to freedom.

Only by clearing out the old stories that have imprinted in your mind can you finally break free from this pattern of insecurity. Know that you are in control of your life, you have the choice to change the status quo and step into the person you know you can be. Working with the Empoweress will enable you to do that.

Client Spotlight: I feel unstoppable!

xx Lee-Anne

Learn How Here


Empowering Women to Break Barriers, Unleash Potential, and Transform the World


Vibrational Matrix Therapy is a cutting-edge channeled modality that is non-invasive and does not rely on the recipient’s memory or recall of their past. It is as simple as listening to relaxing meditative audios in a comfortable environment and with a receptive state of mind.

The audios contain powerful clearing frequencies that work with your spiritual team to energetically remove and heal any blocks and restrictions from your past that are related to the issue being addressed.

The results are often immediate and noticeable, as you experience a shift in your attitude or feelings about yourself and your situation. The clearing frequencies target issues such as confidence, self-acceptance, esteem, and self-authority. This method accesses the deepest layers of your soul and eliminates anything that prevents you from aligning with your higher wisdom and Divine empowerment.

The outcomes of this method are nothing short of miraculous, as they can bring about a complete change in your perspective and behavior.
When you are cleared of the pain, you are no longer triggered by things, so you don’t get frustrated, stressed, angry (as an example) and you no longer have insecurities holding you back.

Vibrational Matrix Therapy is used in conjunction with THE EMPOWERESS PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT MODEL: TRANSCEND with BRAVE ACTIONS, which is a holistic approach to personal growth and transformation that covers various aspects of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.


When we TRANSCEND, we rise above any hidden trauma and resistance holding us back from being who we want to be. We regain our own authority and heal and repair any neglect we have carried out on ourselves. Our safety concerns that have brought about uncertainty or anxiety are eased. Unwavering confidence is built along with a strong sense of self-esteem where all your emotional needs are satisfied and a strong knowing of deserving all that life has to offer ensues.


 Balance - achieved through specific meditations and tasks

Release - over 200 limiting beliefs released through powerful audios  

Align - to the higher part of you with advanced meditations and journaling  

Validate – lessons to build pride, confidence, freedom and leadership  

Encourage - inner child connection work to nurture and build confidence


 Accountable - clearing enables the release of blame and denial  

Connect - releasing inhibitions enables deeper relationships  

Trust - mind mastery tasks enable you to build trust and confidence  

Inner Self - journal exercises enable an in-depth self-knowing  

Observe- clearing provides more self-awareness and compassion  

Navigate - through any life changes with ease and confidence  

Success - develop an unwavering assumption of deserving

With us, you can expect a nurturing and supportive environment where you can connect with a sisterhood of like-minded women who are also committed to their personal growth. Together, we'll celebrate your successes, overcome challenges, and inspire each other to reach new heights.

Whether you're seeking to enhance your career, improve relationships, or cultivate a deeper sense of purpose, our signature program is tailored to meet your unique needs and aspirations. We believe that every woman deserves to live a life that is aligned with her true essence and passions, and we are here to empower you to make it a reality.

Are you ready to embark on a transformational journey that will unleash your limitless potential and help you create a life of abundance and fulfillment? Join us and start living the life you were destined for.

Take the first step towards your extraordinary future by scheduling a free consultation with our empowerment experts. Together, let's unleash the unstoppable force within you and create a world where you thrive.

Remember, your destiny awaits. It's time to rise, reclaim your power, and embrace the life you deserve.

Welcome. Your journey starts here.


Effectively heal your hidden heart trauma

The reason we are so unsatisfied with who we are is because we are reacting to life with a form of PTSD. Most of us don't realize that we have hidden heart trauma caused by any number of things such as neglect, absent parents, conflict, inconsistency, not feeling heard or seen (they are just a few).

We grow up with self-doubt, feeling not enough, no one cares about me, I'm unlovable.

By healing the trauma, you can cease the trauma driven reactions preventing you from living a happy, confident and enthusiastic life. These reactions can look like

-you are distracting and soothing yourself with being busy, drinking, eating, shopping

-you're not taking care of yourself or prioritizing yourself

-you have family tensions, unfulfilling relationships or a lot of drama in your life

-you feel unfulfilled or lack purpose and feel there is more for you

-you lack confidence to speak up for yourself, set boundaries or get what you want

-deep down inside, you are actually unhappy and unsatisfied with life


Let go of drama - Be calm and stress free - Be more present and enjoy the moment - Have more order and control of your life - Rediscover your true self - Establish boundaries and easily implement them - Flip your negative mindset - Find a deeper connection and fulfillment - Become your own cheerleader - Have courage, confidence and liberation - Become dedicated to your sacred self - Emanate power, respect and humility


Have a sense of reassurance - Increased esteem, self-value & worth & demonstrate self-respect - Be organized and set up for success - Know how to identify and release inner wounding and resistance - Have heightened self-awareness - Be able to speak up, share points of view and say no - Be forgiving & understanding - Relieved of anger, frustration, anxiety & emotional upheaval - Have a sense of safety & belonging - Be confident in yourself and your abilities - Set achievements for yourself and easily take action on goals - Become a role model, leader and inspiration with integrity - And much more



The Breaking Through Program is the foundation of the work that will generate your transformation. Releasing all the subconscious insecurities and hidden heart trauma is paramount to your ability to change your status quo. Therefore, it is the cornerstone of all the work we will do together, and the good news is, we don't have to spend our time 'digging' to find all that negative programming nor do we have to spend hours rehashing our past to finally get a breakthrough.

In this DONE FOR YOU audio program all you have to do is relax and listen to soothing music for half an hour and the work is all done subliminally for you.

To reap the real benefits, we will partner with you to ensure nothing is holding you back in your endeavor to become who you were born to be and to stand tall in your significance, your power and your confidence.

Client Spotlight: I feel like I can do anything!

xx Karen

You have the power to change your life. You are responsible for all that happens in your life, and you have the ability to choose what you truly want. You possess the potential to achieve anything you desire. Remember, you are magnificent and powerful beyond measure. Embrace your inner strength and take the first step towards the life you always dreamed of.

Sharna - the Empoweress


List of Program options for you to start making changes to your life.

Learn from one of the Legends of the past to improve your future.

Join the FREE Thriving Empowered Women group for support.

These women can’t be wrong!

I can't say enough good things about Sharna's programs. The work she does is short of incredible. I have fully stepped into the women I always wanted to be, the women I knew was deep down inside. I can't thank her enough

— Megan M.

"Working with Sharna has been life-changing. Before I started, I lacked confidence and felt stuck in negative thought patterns. Through the Vibrational Matrix Therapy and personalized guidance, I’ve transformed my self-esteem and now feel empowered to pursue my dreams. The changes were immediate and profound. I highly recommend Sharna to anyone looking to transform their life."

— Sarah J.

"The Empoweress Package was exactly what I needed. Over the 90 days, I gained clarity on my life's purpose and developed the confidence to set boundaries and speak up for myself. The spiritual coaching and channeled guidance provided me with deep insights and practical tools. I feel more fulfilled and at peace than ever before. Thank you, [Your Name], for helping me reclaim my power."

— Jessica L.

Hello, I’m Sharna and I'm giving you my secret

Best Strategies for Overwhelm

30 tools to quiet the mind and gain clarity and peace.

Follow along: @sharnabirdempoweress


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